Friday, November 28, 2008

Blog Proposal- Welcome!

Throughout history and the world, disabled individuals have suffered from not only their physical, psychological, or intellectual limitations but also the stigma that has been associated with it. Yet since the mid 20th Century. these disabled individuals have made great strides for their own benefit. From World War II onward Americans have come to recognize that disabled people have something to offer, as they to need the privileges, rights, and opportunities that everyone else have. 

Even though disabled individuals have come to be equal in our society, the stigma still remains, and these people still feel some sense of isolation and detachment from society. In spite of the gains that Americans with disabilities have made in society, they still experience isolation and stigma associated with their impairment. Yet the isolation of a disability can be neutralized by the ability to interact and gain knowledge and information via the Internet and use of the Internet has become and will continue to be an equalizing force between the disabled and their non-disabled peers.

Historical events prove that society has been slow to accept disabled individuals, as disabled individuals have been placed into a different category of excluded humans, and as a minority. This is very similar to racial issues, since such issues have brought about segregation.  Whether is be conscious or not, disabled individuals have been inferior, since they are different, abnormal to the point that they are even feared. 

Yet America has made great strides, more than any other nation, towards including disable people into society through legislation and giving them equal rights. Over time, legislation and advocacy have helped to include these individuals into society. American attitudes have been shaped to accept them, so businesses and schools have been equipping to handle them into their organizations.

The use of Internet have been a factor n including disabled people into society. There is a tremendous range and variety of software and hardware that help disabled people to be connected through a computer to the world around them. With their connection to information and resources through the Internet, they are able to save countless hours that a physically disabled person might have to expend by finding things out through other more difficult means. 

The use of blogs have also been a helping factor for disabled beings. Blogs promote awareness of issues that disabled beings endure. Blogs act as a voice for disabled people, as their personal issues can be understood by others, and potential solutions to these issues can be offered in return. 

Throughout the course of history, the disabled have suffered from the isolation and stigma of their limitation. Yet there has been gradual but steady progress toward disabled people achieving some measure of equality in society Though their lives are still hard and they still endure isolating issues, the use of Internet and blogs help them be understood and even helped, and give them the opportunity to use resources that they would not normally use in the real world.